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FIMMDA Daily Corporate Bond Security Level Valuation (SLV) updated with Prices from 04 Sep 18 Circular on Corporate Bond Publication of daily Security Level Valuation (SLV) ( ) Changes in Format for publication of MONTH END SDL and Fortnightly perpetual Bond AT 1 spreads [Живой чат]
6. Issledovanie tekhnicheskogo urovnya v oblasti konstruktsiy oborudovaniya dlya dezintegratsii gornykh porod (shchekovye drobilki): otchet o NIR [Research of a technological level in the field of designs of the equipment for disintegration of rocks (shchekovy crushers): report on NIR] 6-0155-009.
Analysis of patents as a factor in the study of technical level of technological development on the example of jaw crushers. The article presents the results of analyzing patents, aimed at improving the design of jaw crushers and crushing processes using them,conducted in order to establish the technical level of their development.