Mvelo Platinum Group was first known as Mvelo Mining Projects. Mvelo Mining Projects stolen 95 Employees salaries after the company lost the contract at Anglo mines in Northam (Amandabuld) Mvelo Mining Projects CC change their name to Mvelo Platinum Group in November 2012. The received a major contract on Lonmin mine in Marikana.
Jan 16, 2016· (3) (4) ( )tfic nn ϕψ.10 += s sh cs c As E N A n ε= − Якостен клас С на бетона С 16/20 С 20/25 С 25/30 С 30/37 С 35/45 С 40/50 С 45/55 С 50/60 7,6 7,2 6,9 6,6 6,3 6,0 5,8 5,80n Таблица 1 Натоварване постоянно (вкл. предварително напрягане) 1,1 ...