Según LinkedIn, Slideshare cuenta ya con más de 70 millones de usuarios mensuales activos y cada mes se suben a esta red unas 400 mil presentaciones. Slideshare permite subir diapositivas de Power Point, OpenOffice, PDF, documentos de Word e incluso algunos formatos de audio y vídeo. Como veis es mucho más que una red social de presentaciones.
α-Pinene is an organic compound of the terpene class, one of two isomers of pinene. It is an alkene and it contains a reactive four-membered ring.It is found in the oils of many species of many coniferous trees, notably the pine.It is also found in the essential oil of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) and Satureja myrtifolia (also known as Zoufa in some regions).
What is your dog trying to tell you? Dogs have a language that allows them to communicate their emotional state and their intentions to others around them. Although dogs do use sounds and signals, much of the information that they send is through their body language, specifically their facial expressions and body postures. Understanding what your dog is saying can give you a lot of useful ...