Другая спецтехника. Цена: 4 800 000₽. 2001 год. Б/у без пробега по РФ. Под заказ. Мобильная щековая дробильная установка EXTEC C 12, 2001 года выпуска, наработка 6300 м/ч, рабочий вес 47 т, двигатель CAT C9, мощность 350 л.с, объем бункера 6.5 м3 ...
mill heizohack opportunity . mill heizohack opportunity franceholidayhome. Powerful. Potential. Professional. 600,000m² of production base is an advanced digital machine production line, standardizing every processing step and the management of quality control during the production of mining machines. 3% of the annual turnover is put into the product research and upgrading.