Figure 1: Prototype dimers(a,b).Cryptophyte antennae phycoerythrin 545 (PE545) and LHCII present in higher plants have pairs of pigments whose electronic and vibrational parameters fall in the regime of our vibration-assisted transport model. (a) Representation of the pigments and protein environment of a PE545 complex of Rhodomonas CS24 (Protein Data Bank ID code 1XG0, ref. 32).
Friteza 600A W400E za profesionalnu upotrebu Dimenzija (mm) 400x600x300 Ukupna snaga (W) 2x3000 Prikljucak 380V, 3~, 50/60 Hz Prohromska korpica 193x288x100 Ispusni ventil Kontrola temperature termostatom Radni opseg od 0 do 200 stepeni Sigurnosni termostat 230 stepeni Laka za odrzavanje Materijal INOX AISI 304 OSNOVNA PONUDA JE ZA UREDJAJ BEZ POSTOLJA.